Welcome to your EACCME® participant’s evaluation form day 2 1. How useful for your professional activity did you find this event? 1 = Not useful 2 = Fairly useful 3 = Useful 4 = Extremely useful None 2. If this activity was not useful, please explain why: 3. What was your overall impression of this event regarding the programme? 1 = Very poor 2 = Poor 3 = Good 4 = Excellent None 4. What was your overall impression of this event regarding the organisation? 1 = Very poor 2 = poor 3 = Good 4 = Excellent None 5. What was the best aspect of the event? 6. What was the worst aspect of this event? 7. Did the event fulfil your educational goals and expected learning outcomes? 1 = Not at all 2 = Not much 3 = Somewhat 4 = Very much None 8. Was the presented information well balanced and consistently supported by a valid scientific evidence base? 1 = Not at all 2 = Not much 3 = Somewhat 4 = Very much None 9. How useful to you personally was each session? Session 1: Type 1 Diabetes – Early detection and preventive treatment approaches 1 = Undecided 2 = Not useful 3 = Useful 4 = Extremely useful None 10. How useful to you personally was each session? Session 2: Diabetes Technology 1 = Undecided 2 = Not useful 3 = Useful 4 = Extremely useful None 11. How useful to you personally was each session? Session 3: Chronic kidney disease 1 = Undecided 2 = Not useful 3 = Useful 4 = Extremely useful None 12. How useful to you personally was each session? Session 4: The heart under attack: diabetes and cardiovascular risk 1 = Undecided 2 = Not useful 3 = Useful 4 = Extremely useful None 13. How useful to you personally was each session? Session 5: PCP session 1 = Undecided 2 = Not useful 3 = Useful 4 = Extremely useful None 14. How useful to you personally was each session? Session 6: Targeting obesity – combating metabolic diseases 1 = Undecided 2 = Not useful 3 = Useful 4 = Extremely useful None 15. How useful to you personally was each session? Session 7: Eating for Health: Nutritional Strategies in Metabolic and Cardiovascular Care 1 = Undecided 2 = Not useful 3 = Useful 4 = Extremely useful None 16. How useful to you personally was each session? Session 8: Liver in the Spotlight: Current Practices and New Horizons 1 = Undecided 2 = Not useful 3 = Useful 4 = Extremely useful None 17. How useful to you personally was each session? Session 9: Industry’s perspective – Panel discussion 1 = Undecided 2 = Not useful 3 = Useful 4 = Extremely useful None 18. How useful to you personally was each session? Session 10: Oral presentations – Part 2 1 = Undecided 2 = Not useful 3 = Useful 4 = Extremely useful None 19. Was there adequate time available for discussions, questions & answers, and learner engagement? 1 = Undecided 2 = Never 3 = Only rarely 4 = Yes, sometimes 5 = Yes, always/almost always None 20. Can you indicate any innovative elements during the activity? 21. Will the information you learnt be implemented in your practice? 1 = Not at all 2 = Not much 3 = Somewhat 4 = Very much None 22. Can you provide ONE example how this event will influence your future practice? 23. Did all the faculty members provide their potential conflict of interest declaration with the sponsor(s) as a second slide of their presentation? 1 = No 2 = Yes, but only a small part 3 = Yes, for the majority 4 = Yes, all None 24. Can you provide an example of biased presentation in this activity? 25. Do you agree that the information was overall free of commercial and other bias? 1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Rather disagree 3 = Rather agree 4 = Strongly agree None 26. Comments or Suggestions: Please submit your answers. Time's up